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 Image Analysis -Consultation Process

Be who you are, not who the world wants you to be.

Coco Chanel


Starting an image consultation adventure can be intimidating for some clients. Therefore it is essential to assist them in the process. Prior to any consultancy, an Image Consultant needs to understand the exact motivations, needs and challenges a client faces.


You will be taking your client through a consultation process of evaluating their lifestyle, their motivations and their expectations. This crucial step will allow you to offer a personalised program to your client. This is also the occasion for your client to meet you and decide if you are the right professional to work with.

Course Content

Image analysis process

Image analysis do’s and don’ts

Developing empathy to inspire trust

A personalised & tailored approach

The art of questioning

The Image Consultant’s tools

Your knowledge and skills will be reinforced by initial practice as well as a regular practice. We also strongly advise you to learn more about personal development, self-confidence and coaching.


Various resources: discussions, case studies, use of pictures and video tutorials, role-play games, picture reports…

Designed for

This consultation-process training program will benefit all beginner Image Consultants from a variety of backgrounds who wish to improve their professionalism and effectiveness at work by getting a high level of image consultancy skills.

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